*** Perfect Box 4.5 Packing list. *** Your files should have the same file date and time stamp as the list below. *The main program file* BOX4_5 EXE 206724 12-15-89 12:00p *Driver datafile* BOXDATA4 170226 12-15-89 12:00p *QuickBasic 4.5 Runtime module* BRUN45 EXE 77440 9-28-88 1:43a *Program to design a 2nd order active EQ circuit* EQ2 EXE 9168 12-15-89 12:00p *Sample Batch files to Launch Perfect Box* GO BAT 232 12-15-89 12:00p GOHERC BAT 212 12-15-89 12:00p *The document file for this revision of Perfect Box* PERFECT DOC 51210 12-15-89 12:00p *This TSR must be run before PB if you want to use Hercules Graphics QBHERC COM 6704 1-01-89 6:00p *This is the Batch file that is executed from PB with the SHELL to DOS option* *You could modify this file to do something other than load command.com* SH BAT 94 12-15-89 12:00p *End*