Mitsubishi A6M5a Reisen Model 52 (Zero)

Plane: Mitsubishi A6M5a Reisen Model 52 (Zero)

Weight (Empty/Loaded/Max): 4,136lb/ 6,025lb /

Wing Area: 229sq ft

Wing Loading: 18.1lb/sq ft / 26.3lb/sq ft /

Length: 29' 11"

Span: 36' 1"

Wing Aspect Ratio: 5.7

Engine: 1130hp Nakajima NK1F Sakae 21 Radial

Flaps: 3 settings


Control Feel:

Stall Speed 1k (No Flaps/Full Flaps) 70/65mph


  type/ammo ROF Duration WB Punch Muzzle Velocity Ammo/Gun
Primary: 2x7.7mm Type 97 MG 12.8/s 52s 3.2x.30cal/ping 2460ft/s 680
Secondary: 2x20mm Type 99 Cannon 7.2/s 13.8s 1.8x20mm/ping 2490ft/s 125

0: none
1: 2x100lb bombs
2: none
3: none

Fuel Time/Percent: 48 seconds/percent

Power/weight (Empty/Loaded/Max): 3.6lb/hp / 5.3lb/hp /

Corner Velocity: 205mph

Durability: Poor

WEP time: no WEP

Maximum Angle-of-Attack (no flaps/full flaps): 16/16 degrees

Wing Incidence Angle (no flaps/full flaps): 3/3 degrees


  1,000ft 5,000ft 10,000ft 15,000ft
Stall-200mph 21.0s 22.5s 31.0s 34.0s
150mph-200mph 10.7s 12.5s 17.1s 20.5s
200mph-250mph 15.8s 17.2s 22.3s 35.5s
250mph-300mph - - - -

1k-5k: 53s
5k-10k: 79s
10k-15k: 90s

Zoom Climb:
1k 400mph: +5,000ft
1k 300mph: +3,000ft


  Max Speed After 30s After 60s
15,000ft to 10,000ft 360mph 295mph 290mph
15,000ft to 5,000ft 480mph 330mph 305mph
10,000ft to 5,000ft 395mph 310mph 300mph
10,000ft to 1,000ft 460mph 330mph 310mph
5,000ft to 1,000ft 390mph 310mph 295mph

Max Speed

  1,000ft 5,000ft
Climbing before levelling 295mph 295mph
Diving before levelling 295mph 295mph

Turn Performance

300mph 1,000ft 5,000ft 10,000ft 15,000ft
One 360 11.5s 11.9s 12.5s -
Two 360s 23.8s 25.4s 28.4s -
One 360 10.2s 10.9s 11.8s 12.7s
Two 360s 23.6s 25.4s 28.8s 31.6s
No Flaps 15.1s 15.4s 18.4s 21.6s
Full Flaps 15.1s 16.3s 19.5s 21.4s
Best Flap 1 notch none none full
Speed/best 95mph 100mph 100mph 90mph

Corner Speed and Radii (1,000ft):

Speed: 205mph
Radius: 306ft
Sustained Turn Speed: 115mph
Sustained Turn Radius: 405ft
Full Flaps Speed: 100mph
Full Flaps Radius: 352ft

Corner Times 1,000ft 5,000ft 10,000ft 15,000ft
180 degrees 4.8s 5.4s 5.4s 5.9s
360 degrees 11.2s 11.9s 13.1s 14.5s

Roll Rate:
150mph: 3.7s
200mph: 4.3s
250mph: 5.3s
300mph: 10.1s
350mph: 22.4s

Minimum Full-Flaps Full-Power Split-S altitude:
150mph: 700ft
200mph: 900ft
250mph: 1400ft

Hoof's Tips and Opinions:

The A6M series of carrier based fighters were designed with maneuverability being of prime importance, and niceties such as high speed handling, durability, and pilot protection being secondary. Thus Japan's A6M series of fighters are the best dogfighters in the world, being light, extremely maneuverable, and able to outturn virtually any other plane in the game.

Use this maneuverability. The A6M is slow (although a few planes such as the F4F wildcat are slower), it handles poorly in a dive, making a chase in a dive all but impossible if the other plane maneuvers in defense. In fact, don't pursue anyone you can't kill quickly, since you can sneeze on this bird and have something fall off, so if someone starts after you, break off *immediately*, or some part of your plane *will* break off!

Turning is key with this bird. If a FW or other meat cleaver fighter swoops down on you, start barrel rolling or maneuvering, but be sure that you are moving in something other than a straight line from his point of view (in other words a break turn into him is a bad idea). The reason for this is that most FW fliers are good shots at breaking targets since that is often the only decent shot they get once they are noticed.

Sucker planes into turning with you and fly with friendlies nearby. There's nothing more pleasant than to stumble on a friendly dogfighting an enemy, since you can latch onto his 6 and then he's in trouble.

The A6M5a is a compromise version of the Zero. Weight was added in the form of pilot armor, better cannon, more ammunition, and fuel tank fire control mechanisms, and heavier gauge skin. This equipment meant the Zero was better able to handle the later war enemy airplanes, but means that it is the worst performing of the Zeros in everything but roll rate and diving ability. The Ki43, A6M2 and A6M3 handily outturn this bird, but it will outturn most other planes easily itself. Be aware that some planes such as the P38 can turn with you when you are in a sustained turnfight, but the trick is not to let the P38 sucker you into this, but to get your speed up, as your instantaneous turn leaves the P38 in the dust.

The cannon on the A6M5a are of the much improved high velocity type. This means the cannon and machine guns follow similar trajectories, and follow trajectories similar to most other Warbirds planes. Thus your long range sniping skills learned on other planes can be used, and this plane is quite capable of long range killing, especially with the increased ammo load. But remember that the A6M5a doesn't have that great a punch (due to the low rate of fire for it's cannon), so try to get tracking shots if possible.

The A6M5a can take a few more pings than the other Zeros, and is about on par with a Ki43 as far as durability is concerned. This means you don't have to be as careful about avoiding *all* shots, but don't get cocky, as you still have the same fragile wings and tail sections as all the early Japanese Planes, so sure you wont take as many pilot kills or explosion deaths, but you'll still lose parts just as quickly as the other early Japanese Planes. See the A6M2 Tips and Opinions page for suggestions on how to avoid taking hits in the first place.

Tip: Don't turn with a Ki43, as it outturns all the A6M variants.

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