Essential Heresies

  1. The Politics of the Seven Deadly Sins.
  2. The oceans are not problems. The oceans are solutions.
  3. One good counterexample is worth a thousand lemmas.
  4. Accepting a little help requires giving up a little control.
  5. It could be worse. And probably soon will be.
  6. “... in America, things own the man.” from Rudyard Kipling's “An Error in the Fourth Dimension” 1898.
  7. Those who have nothing to say, but can say it well, will usually do much better than those who have something to say, but are inarticulate.
  8. Politics is often not pretty, but is almost always preferable to murder and mayhem.
  9. If you are only capable of winning fair fights, you will lose a lot of fights.
  10. The role of the thinker in American culture.
  11. The futility of love in Chinese: a demonstration via calculus.
  12. The only people who can truly appreciate heaven are those who have been through hell.