Black & White Miracles

Just in case you were wondering which miracles are available where in the game Black & White’s story mode.

Land 1

The tribes on the first land offer no miracles. You gotta get ’em from miracles dispensers and fireflies.

Miracle Dispensers

Miracle Gained by completing...
Water Explorers challenge
Food Singing Stone challenge
Heal (good)
Lightning (evil)
Piper challenge
Creature Strength (good)
Creature Aggression (evil)
Drowning Villagers challenge
Water Hermit challenge
Heal (or Heal increase if you’ve already got Heal) Ogre challenge

Firefly Miracles

Miracles available, and their relative probability: Fireball (1.0), Food (1.0), Forest (1.0), Heal (20.0), Lightning (1.0), Water (1.0), Wood (1.0)

Land 2

There are a lot of villages on this land, which makes the chart complex. Different villages of the same tribe are distinguished by number. Italics indicates that a village offers a miracle or power-up for completing a challenge or solving a puzzle.

As a concrete example, the starting Norse village initially offers three miracles (denoted by a roman 1), and later offers up to three more (denoted by an italic 1) depending on which challenges you complete.

Tribe Miracles In village(s) Gained by completing...
1: starting village
2: Khazar’s village
Water 1
Food 1, 2
Wood 1, 2
Forest 1, 2 Khazar’s Workshop challenge
Fireball 1, 2 Khazar’s Fireball challenge
Physical Shield 1 Khazar’s Shield challenge
1: near starting village
2: next to 1
3: near Greeks
4: across inlet
Teleport 2
Heal [increase] 1 increase gained by completing the Sacrifice challenge
Storm 4
Lightning 2, 4 the Plague challenge
Fireball 1 [increase], 2 increase gained by completing the Idol challenge
Creature Strength 3
1: near Khazar
2: near Celts
Heal 1
Teleport 1
Physical Shield 1
Spiritual Shield 2
Creature Aggression 2
Holy Flies 1
1: near Greek
2: middle village
3: near Lethys’ temple
Water 3
Food 3
Heal 1
Lightning 1 [increase], 2 increase gained by completing the Greedy Farmer challenge
Physical Shield 3
Spiritual Shield 3

Miracle Dispensers

Miracle Gained by completing...
Enlarge Creature the Drowning Children challenge
Winged Creatures the Tree Puzzle
Pack of Animals the Slavers challenge

Firefly Miracles

Creature Aggression (0.1), Creature Invisible (0.1), Creature Strength (0.1), Creature Weakness (0.1), Enlarge Creature (0.1), Fireball (1.0), Food (1.0), Forest (1.0), Freeze Creature (0.1), Heal (1.0), Holy Flies (0.1), Lightning (1.0), Loving Creature (0.1), Physical Shield (1.0), Shrink Creature (0.1), Spiritual Shield (1.0), Storm (1.0), Teleport (1.0), Water (1.0), Winged Creatures (0.1), Wood (1.0)

Land 3

Tribe Miracles Gained by...
Celtic Water
Japanese Teleport
Spiritual Shield
Physical Shield
Indian Water increase
Fireball increase
Winged Creatures solving the Tree Puzzle
Egyptian Teleport
Physical Shield
Spiritual Shield
Tibetan Food

Miracle Dispensers

Miracle Gained by...
Wood automatic

Firefly Miracles

Fire (1.0), Food (1.0), Forest (1.0), Heal (1.0), Lightning (1.0), Pack of Animals (0.1), Physical Shield (1.0), Spiritual Shield (1.0), Storm (1.0), Teleport (1.0), Water (1.0), Winged Creatures (0.1), Wood (1.0)

Land 4

Tribe Miracles Gained by...
Norse Water increase
Heal increase
Spiritual Shield
Creature Strength solving the maze puzzles
Japanese Forest
Creature Weakness
Aztec Fireball
Lightning extreme
Creature Aggression

Miracle Dispensers

Miracle Gained by...
Spiritual Shield automatic
Spiritual Shield solving the Japanese totems puzzle

Firefly Miracles

Creature Aggression (0.1), Creature Invisible (0.1), Creature Strength (0.1), Creature Weakness (0.1), Enlarge Creature (0.1), Fireball (1.0), Fireball increase (0.2), Fireball extreme (0.1), Food (1.0), Food increase (1.0), Forest (1.0), Freeze Creature (0.1), Heal (1.0), Heal increase (1.0), Holy Flies (0.1), Lightning (1.0), Lightning increase (0.2), Lightning extreme (0.1), Loving Creature (0.1), Physical Shield (1.0), Shrink Creature (0.1), Spiritual Shield (1.0), Storm (1.0), Storm increase (0.1), Teleport (1.0), Water (1.0), Water increase (0.2), Wood (1.0)

Land 5

Like land 2, on this land some tribes have multiple villages.

Tribe Miracles In village(s) Gained by...
1: starting village
2: by ark (if present)
Fireball increase/extreme 1 extreme gained by solving Blind Wolf puzzle
Heal increase 1
Teleport 1
Storm 1
Water increase 1
Lightning 2
Japanese Pack of Animals
Physical Shield
Loving Creature
Creature Strength
Creature Invisibility
1: shielded by 3 stones
2: near Japanese
Fireball extreme 1, 2
Lightning extreme 1, 2
Megablast 1 increase, 2
Heal increase 1, 2
Teleport 1, 2
Forest 1, 2
Greek Wood
Storm extreme
Lightning extreme
Physical Shield
Spiritual Shield
Aztec Food
Water increase
Lightning extreme
Storm extreme
Megablast extreme
Creature Strength

Miracle Dispensers

Miracle Gained by...
Fireball extreme automatic
Winged Creatures completing the Dragon Hunters challenge
Heal increase completing the Japanese Helper challenge

Firefly Miracles

Creature Aggression (0.2), Creature Invisible (0.2), Creature Strength (0.2), Creature Weakness (0.2), Enlarge Creature (0.2), Fireball (1.0), Fireball increase (0.1), Fireball extreme (0.2), Food (1.0), Food increase (1.0), Forest (1.0), Freeze Creature (0.2), Heal (1.0), Heal increase (0.2), Holy Flies (0.2), Lightning (1.0), Lightning increase (0.2), Lightning extreme (0.1), Loving Creature (0.2), Megablast (0.1), Pack of Animals (0.5), Physical Shield (1.0), Shrink Creature (0.2), Spiritual Shield (1.0), Storm (1.0), Storm increase (0.1), Storm extreme (0.1), Teleport (1.0), Water (1.0), Winged Creatures (0.5), Wood (1.0)

Last updated 25 August 2007
All contents ©2006 Mark L. Irons