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Author Index of Book Reviews
Do I read too much, or just not enough of the right books?
Links to reviews follow titles. Some titles have multiple reviews; dates that are not links denote year read but not reviewed. For the most recent reviews, see the latest booklist.
- Aeschylus
- Agamemnon (1999)
- The Choephori (1999)
- The Eumenides (1999)
- The Oresteia
- The Oresteian Trilogy
- The Persians (2000)
- Prometheus Bound (1999)
- Seven Against Thebes (2000)
- The Suppliants (2000)
- Albo, Mike with Virginia Heffernan
- Aldiss, Brian
- Barefoot in the Head (2001)
- Earthworks (2002)
- Galaxies Like Grains of Sand (1999)
- Greybeard (2002)
- Last Orders
- Man In His Time (1999)
- Report on Probability A (2001)
- Somewhere East of Life (2000)
- Alexander, Christopher with Howard Davis, Julio Martinez, & Don Corner
- The Production of Houses (2001)
- Alexander, Christopher, Hajo Neis, Artemis Anninou, & Ingrid King
- A New Theory of Urban Design (2001)
- Alexander, Christopher, Sara Ishikawa, & Murray Silverstein, with Max Jacobsen, Ingrid Fiksdahl-King, & Shlomo Angel
- A Pattern Language
- Alexander, Christopher
- The Linz Café (2002)
- The Oregon Experiment (1999)
- The Phenomenon of Life (2004)
- The Timeless Way of Building
- Anthony, Patricia
- Antrim, Donald
- The Verificationist (2000)
- Arendt, Hannah
- The Origins of Totalitarianism (2000)
- Aristophanes
- Arthur, Robert
- Ghosts and More Ghosts (2003)
- Atwood, Margaret
- Bachman, Richard
- Baker, Kyle
- Ballard, J.G.
- Crash (2002)
- The Kindness of Women (1999)
- Running Wild (1999)
- Rushing to Paradise (1999)
- Super-Cannes (2002)
- The Unlimited Dream Company (1999)
- Vermillion Sands (2001)
- War Fever (1999)
- The Wind from Nowhere (2001)
- Banks, Iain M.
- Consider Phlebas (2001)
- Excession (2001)
- Look to Windward (2001)
- Banks, Iain
- Barabási, Albert-László
- Barela, Tim
- Excerpts from the Ring Cycle in Royal Albert Hall (2000)
- How Real Men Do It (2004)
- Barnes, John
- Candle (2000)
- Gaudeamus (2005)
- Kaleidoscope Century (2000)
- Mother of Storms (1999)
- Barnes, Julian
- Barry, Lynda
- Come Over Come Over (1999)
- Cruddy (1999)
- The Freddie Stories (1999)
- The Fun House (1999)
- It's So Magic (1999)
- My Perfect Life (1999)
- Bates, Paul L.
- Baxter, Stephen
- Bear, Greg
- Benford, Gregory
- Berners-Lee, Tim, & Mark Fischetti
- Bester, Alfred
- Bishop, Michael
- Count Geiger's Blues (2000)
- A Little Knowledge (1999)
- Blass, Thomas
- The Man Who Shocked the World (2005)
- Blish, James
- Earthman, Come Home (1999)
- A Life For The Stars (1999)
- They Shall Have Stars (1999)
- The Triumph of Time (1999)
- Bliss, Pam
- Blumlein, Michael
- The Brains of Rats (1998)
- Bollier, David
- Boswell, James
- The Life of Samuel Johnson (2005)
- Bowler, Dave and Bryan Dray
- Boyle, T. Coraghessan
- If the River Was Whiskey (1998)
- Brand, Stewart
- The Clock of the Long Now (1999)
- How Buildings Learn
- Branscomb, Anne Wells
- Who Owns Information? (1999)
- Briggs, Julia
- A Woman of Passion (2003)
- Brin, David
- Brightness Reef (1998)
- Heaven's Reach (1998)
- Infinity's Shore (1998)
- Kiln People (2002, 2003)
- The Transparent Society (1999)
- Broderick, Damien
- Brontë, Charlotte
- Brooks, Max
- Brown, Fredric
- The Best of Fredric Brown (2005)
- What Mad Universe (1999)
- Brunner, John
- Double, Double (2002)
- The Jagged Orbit (2002)
- The Sheep Look Up (2002)
- The Shockwave Rider (2006)
- The Squares of the City (2002)
- Stand On Zanzibar
- The Whole Man (2005)
- Buckley, Christopher
- Florence of Arabia (2004)
- Little Green Men (1999)
- Calvin, William H.
- The Throwing Madonna (1998)
- Camus, Albert
- The Myth of Sisyphus (2001)
- Capra, Fritjof
- Carr, Terry, editor
- The Best Science Fiction of the Year #7 (1998)
- The Best Science Fiction of the Year #9 (1998)
- Carrier, Scott
- Running After Antelope (2002)
- Chabon, Michael
- The Amazing Adventures of Kavalier and Clay (2004)
- Chandler, Raymond
- Chappell, Warren
- A Short History of the Printed Word (2003)
- Chesterton, G.K.
- The Man Who Was Thursday (2001)
- The Napoleon of Notting Hill
- Chiang, Ted
- Stories of Your Life (2002)
- Clarke, Arthur C. & Stephen Baxter
- The Light of Other Days (2000)
- Clement, Hal
- Clowes, Danel
- Clugston-Major, Chynna
- Blue Monday: Absolute Beginners (2003)
- Blue Monday: The Kids Are Alright (2003)
- Collier, John
- Fancies and Goodnights (1999)
- Collins, Billy
- The Trouble With Poetry (2006)
- Compton, D.G.
- The Steel Crocodile (1999)
- Synthajoy (2001)
- The Unsleeping Eye (2000)
- Comte de Lautréamont
- Cooper, Alan
- About Face (1999)
- The Inmates Are Running the Asylum (1999)
- Costikyan, Greg
- Coupland, Douglas
- Cox, Archibald
- The Court and the Constitution (1999)
- Crews, Frederick
- Crilley, Mark
- Crowley, John
- Beasts (2006)
- Dæmonomania
- Little, Big
- Love & Sleep (1999)
- The Translator (2006)
- Cruse, Howard
- Early Barefootz (1998)
- Wendel All Together (2001)
- Wendel on the Rebound (2000)
- Cytowic, Richard E.
- The Man Who Tasted Shapes (1999)
- Dahl, Roald
- Damasio, Antonio
- Descartes' Error
- Dann, Jack & Gardner Dozois, editors
- Davies, Robertson
- Fifth Business (2004)
- Leaven of Malice (2004)
- The Lyre of Orpheus (1999)
- The Manticore (2004)
- A Mixture of Frailties (2004)
- Murther and Walking Spirits (1999)
- The Rebel Angels
- Tempest-Tost (2004)
- World of Wonders (2004)
- Dawkins, Richard
- The Extended Phenotype (2000)
- The Selfish Gene (1998)
- DeBrandt, Don H.
- The Quicksilver Screen (1998)
- de Camp, L. Sprague
- Lest Darkness Fall (2001)
- de Jim, Strange
- San Francisco’s Castro (2004)
- Defoe, Daniel
- A Journal of the Plague Year (2001)
- Deitch, Kim with Simon Deitch
- The Boulevard of Broken Dreams (2003)
- Delany, Samuel R.
- Babel-17 (2003)
- The Ballad Of Beta-2 (1998)
- Dhalgren
- Heavenly Breakfast (2005)
- The Mad Man (2006)
- Nova (2003)
- Stars in My Pocket Like Grains of Sand (2003)
- Triton (2006)
- Dennett, Daniel C.
- Consciousness Explained (1998)
- Dick, Philip K. & Ray Nelson
- The Ganymede Takeover (1999)
- Dick, Philip K. & Roger Zelazny
- Dick, Philip K.
- Clans of the Alphane Moon (2003)
- The Collected Stories of Philip K. Dick, vol. 1 (2001)
- The Collected Stories of Philip K. Dick, vol. 2 (2001)
- The Collected Stories of Philip K. Dick, vol. 3 (2001)
- The Collected Stories of Philip K. Dick, vol. 4 (2001)
- Confessions of a Crap Artist (2003)
- The Cosmic Puppets (2002)
- Counter-Clock World (2002)
- The Crack In Space (2003)
- The Divine Invasion (2003)
- Dr. Bloodmoney (2003)
- Dr. Futurity (2005)
- Eye in the Sky (2000)
- Flow My Tears, the Policeman Said (2000)
- Galactic Pot-Healer (2003, 2004)
- The Game-Players of Titan (2003)
- Lies, Inc. (2004)
- The Man Who Japed (1999)
- The Man in the High Castle
- Martian Time-Slip (1998)
- A Maze of Death (2003)
- Now Wait for Last Year (2001)
- Our Friends From Frolix 8 (2002)
- The Penultimate Truth (2003)
- Radio Free Albemuth (2003)
- The Simulacra (2002)
- Solar Lottery (2003)
- The Three Stigmata of Palmer Eldritch (2001)
- Time Out of Joint (2002)
- The Transmigration of Timothy Archer (2003)
- Vulcan's Hammer (2003)
- We Can Build You (2000)
- The World Jones Made (2003)
- The Zap Gun (1998)
- Disch, Thomas M. and John Sladek
- Black Alice
(1998, 2006)
- Doctorow, Cory
- Down and Out in the Magic Kingdom (2003)
- Eastern Standard Tribe (2004)
- Someone Comes to Town, Someone Leaves Town (2005)
- Dostoevsky, Fyodor
- The Brothers Karamazov (2001)
- Doxiadis, Apostolos
- Uncle Petros & Goldbach's Conjecture (2001)
- Dozois, Gardner, editor
- The Year’s Best Science Fiction, Twenty-First Annual Collection (2004)
- The Year’s Best Science Fiction, Twenty-Second Annual Collection (2005)
- The Year’s Best Science Fiction, Twenty-Third Annual Collection (2006)
- The Year's Best Science Fiction, Eighteenth Annual Collection (2001)
- The Year's Best Science Fiction, Fifteenth Annual Collection
- The Year's Best Science Fiction, Nineteenth Annual Collection (2002)
- The Year's Best Science Fiction, Seventeenth Annual Collection (2000)
- The Year's Best Science Fiction, Sixteenth Annual Collection
- The Year's Best Science Fiction, Twentieth Annual Collection (2003)
- Dozois, Gardner
- Dunn, J.R.
- Effinger, George Alec
- Egan, Greg
- Ellison, Harlan
- The City on the Edge of Forever (1998)
- Mefisto in Onyx (2003)
- Elwood, Roger, editor
- The Other Side of Tomorrow (2003)
- England, Terry
- Eno, Brian
- A Year with Swollen Appendices
- Euripides
- Farmer, Philip José
- Feazell, Matt
- The Amazing Cynicalman (2004)
- Cynicalman ...The Paperback! (1998)
- Fforde, Jasper
- The Big Over Easy (2006)
- The Eyre Affair (2005, 2005)
- Lost in a Good Book (2005)
- Something Rotten (2005)
- The Well of Lost Plots (2005)
- Filippo, Paul Di
- Findley, Thomas
- Not Wanted on the Voyage (1999)
- Fitzgerald, F. Scott
- Flaherty, Alice W.
- The Midnight Disease (2004)
- Flynn, Michael F.
- The Wreck of The River of Stars (2003)
- Foglio, Phil
- Buck Godot: Zap Gun for Hire (2000)
- Fone, Byrne R.S.
- A Road to Stonewall (1998)
- Fowler, Martin with Kent Beck, John Brant, William Opdyke, and Don Roberts
- Frank, Thomas
- One Market Under God (2002)
- Friedl, Jeffrey E.F.
- Mastering Regular Expressions (2002)
- Frohnmayer, John
- Fry, Stephen
- The Hippopotamus (1998)
- Making History (2002)
- Moab is My Washpot (2002)
- Gaiman, Neil
- American Gods (2004)
- Anansi Boys (2006)
- The Sandman: A Game of You (2000, 2004)
- The Sandman: Brief Lives (2000, 2003)
- The Sandman: Dream Country (2000)
- The Sandman: Fables & Reflections (2000)
- The Sandman: Preludes and Nocturnes (2003)
- The Sandman: Season of Mists (2000, 2004)
- The Sandman: The Doll's House (2003)
- The Sandman: The Kindly Ones (2000, 2003)
- The Sandman: The Wake (2000, 2003)
- The Sandman: World's End (2000, 2003)
- Gallagher, Hugh
- Gamard, Elizabeth Burns
- Kurt Schwitters' Merzbau (2001)
- Gamow, George
- Mr. Tompkins in Wonderland (2004)
- Garber, Marjorie
- Symptoms of Culture (1998)
- Gerrold, David
- The Man Who Folded Himself (2004)
- Gibson, William
- All Tomorrow's Parties (2001)
- Idoru (2001)
- Neuromancer (2005)
- Pattern Recognition (2003)
- Gifford, Don
- Gladwell, Malcolm
- Gordon, Deborah M.
- Gould, Stephen Jay
- Gould, Steven
- Grahame, Kenneth
- The Wind in the Willows (1999)
- Grant, Lindsey
- Elephants in the Volkswagen (1999)
- Gray, Spalding
- Impossible Vacation (1999)
- Morning, Noon and Night (2003)
- Swimming to Cambodia (1999)
- Griffith, Bill
- Gunn, Eileen
- Stable Strategies and Others (2005)
- Haldeman, Joe
- Halperin, James L.
- Hamilton, Edmond
- The Best of Edmond Hamilton (2006)
- Hammer, Carl & Gideon Bosker
- Hartung, William D.
- And Weapons For All (1999)
- Hartwell, David G., & Kathryn Cramer, editors
- The Ascent of Wonder (2000)
- The Hard SF Renaissance
- Year’s Best SF 10 (2005)
- Year’s Best SF 11 (2006)
- Year’s Best SF 9 (2004)
- Year's Best SF 7 (2002)
- Year's Best SF 8 (2003)
- Hartwell, David G., editor
- Year's Best SF 2 (2001)
- Year's Best SF 3 (2000)
- Year's Best SF 4 (1999)
- Year's Best SF 5 (2000)
- Year's Best SF 6 (2001)
- Year's Best SF (2001)
- Harvey, Miles
- The Island of Lost Maps (2005)
- Hawthorne, Nathaniel
- The House of the Seven Gables (2002)
- Twice-Told Tales (2000)
- Hayden, Patrick Nielsen, editor
- Heinlein, Robert A.
- Methuselah's Children (2000)
- Hemingway, Ernest
- A Farewell to Arms (2002)
- Henderson, Zenna
- Herington, John
- Herriman, George
- George Herriman's Krazy & Ignatz, Volume Eight: 1923 - Inna Yott on the Muddy Geranium (1998)
- George Herriman's Krazy & Ignatz, Volume Seven: 1922 - A Katnip Kantata in the Key of K (1998)
- George Herriman's Krazy & Ignatz, Volume Six: 1921 - Sure as Moons is Cheeses (1998)
- The Komplete Kolor Krazy Kat, Volume 1: 1935-1936 (1998)
- Hershey, Jennifer, Tom Dupree, & Janna Silverstein, editors
- Hildebrand, Grant
- Origins of Architectural Pleasure (2001)
- Hodgson, William Hope
- Carnacki, the Ghost-Finder (2002)
- Hofstadter, Douglas R.
- Le Ton beau de Marot
- Hollander, Nicole
- Female Problems (1998)
- Hi, this is Sylvia. (1998)
- Homer
- Howarth, Matt
- Hubbard, Elbert
- Jackson, Joe
- Jay, Ricky
- Jerome, Jerome K.
- Jeter, K.W.
- Jillette, Penn and Teller
- Penn & Teller's How To Play In Traffic (1998)
- John Herington
- Johnson, Steven
- Jones, Gwyneth
- Band of Gypsys (2005)
- Bold as Love (2005)
- Castles Made of Sand (2005)
- Divine Endurance (2005)
- Life
- Midnight Lamp (2005)
- Kelly, Walt
- Pogo Volume 10 (2000)
- Pogo Volume 11 (2000)
- Pogo Volume 1 (1998)
- Pogo Volume 2 (1998)
- Pogo Volume 3 (1998)
- Pogo Volume 4 (1998)
- Pogo Volume 5 (1998)
- Pogo Volume 6 (1998)
- Pogo Volume 7 (1998)
- Pogo Volume 8 (2000)
- Pogo Volume 9 (2000)
- Pogo's Double Sundae (1999)
- Kennedy, Hubert
- Kessel, John
- Corrupting Dr. Nice (1999)
- The Pure Product (1999)
- Knight, Damon
- Koren, Leonard
- Kress, Nancy
- Beaker's Dozen (2000)
- Beggars Ride (1998)
- Beggars and Choosers (1998)
- Maximum Light (2000)
- Oaths and Miracles (2000)
- Kunstler, James Howard
- The Geography of Nowhere (2001)
- Lakoff, George and Mark Johnson
- Metaphors We Live By (2000)
- Landis, Geoffrey A.
- Le Guin, Ursula K.
- Lea, Doug
- Concurrent Programming in Java, Second Edition (2001)
- Concurrent Programming in Java (1998)
- Lee, Harper
- To Kill a Mockingbird
- Leiber, Fritz
- The Dealings of Daniel Kesserich (2003)
- A Specter is Haunting Texas (2003)
- Leiber, Justin
- Lem, Stanislaw
- The Cyberiad (2005)
- Imaginary Magnitude (2002)
- Microworlds (1998)
- Peace On Earth (1998)
- Solaris (2003)
- Lessig, Lawrence
- Lethem, Jonathan
- The Fortress of Solitude (2004)
- Gun, with Occasional Music (1999)
- Motherless Brooklyn (2002)
- Leuf, Bo & Ward Cunningham
- Leven, Jeremy
- Satan: His Psychotherapy and Cure by the Unforunate Dr. Kassler, J.S.P.S. (1999)
- Levy, Steven
- London, Jack
- The Cruise of the Snark (1999)
- Los Bros Hernandez
- Chelo's Burden (1998)
- House Of Raging Women (1998)
- MacLean, Katherine
- The Trouble With You Earth People (2002)
- MacLeod, Ian R.
- MacLeod, Ken
- The Cassini Division
(2000, 2001, 2004)
- Cosmonaut Keep (2002, 2005)
- Dark Light (2002, 2005)
- Engine City (2003, 2005)
- Learning the World (2005)
- Newton’s Wake (2004, 2006)
- The Sky Road (2000, 2004)
- The Star Fraction
(2001, 2002, 2004)
- The Stone Canal
(2000, 2001, 2004)
- Mack, Stan
- Maguire, Gregory
- Lost (2002)
- Son of a Witch (2006)
- Wicked (2006)
- Maney, Mabel
- A Ghost in the Closet (1998)
- Martin, George R. R.
- Dying of the Light (1999)
- Marusek, David
- Matthews, Harry & Alastair Brotchie, eds.
- Maupin, Armistead
- The Night Listener (2001)
- McAuley, Paul J.
- McCarthy, Wil
- McCloud, Scott
- Making Comics (2006)
- Reinventing Comics (2001)
- Zot! Book Three (1998)
- McDevitt, Jack
- McHugh, Maureen F.
- China Mountain Zhang (2002)
- McKibben, Bill
- McQuay, Mike
- Medley, Linda
- Castle Waiting: The Lucky Road (2003)
- Menander
- Miller, Sandro & Prosper Keating
- Millionaire, Tony
- Moench, Doug
- The Big Book of the Unexplained (1999)
- Moore, Alan & Eddie Campbell
- Moore, Alan
- Morrow, James
- Blameless in Abaddon (2000)
- City of Truth (1999)
- The Eternal Footman (2000)
- Towing Jehovah (2000)
- Munro, Alice
- Hateship, Friendship, Courtship, Loveship, Marriage (2006)
- Munroe, Jim
- Flyboy Action Figure Comes With Gasmask (2004)
- Murakami, Haruki
- Kafka on the Shore (2006)
- Navasky, Victor S.
- Nesbit, E.
- Five Children and It (2003)
- Ngor, Haing with Roger Warner
- A Cambodian Odyssey (1998)
- Nielsen, Jakob
- Designing Web Usability (2002)
- Hypertext & Hypermedia (2002)
- Niven, Larry and Jerry Pournelle
- Niven, Larry
- All the Myriad Ways (2004)
- Convergent Series (2004)
- A Gift from Earth (2004)
- A Hole in Space (2004)
- The Long ARM of Gil Hamilton (2004)
- Neutron Star (2004)
- Protector (2004)
- The Ringworld Engineers (2006)
- The Ringworld Throne (2006)
- Ringworld’s Children (2006)
- Ringworld (2004)
- Tales of Known Space (2004)
- A World Out of Time (2004)
- World of Ptavvs (2004)
- Norman, Donald A.
- Emotional Design (2004)
- The Invisible Computer (1999)
- Nylund, Eric S.
- A Signal Shattered (1999)
- Signal to Noise (1999)
- Ong, Han
- Palahniuk, Chuck
- Paley, Nina
- Palwick, Susan
- Panshin, Alexei
- Masque World (2001)
- Star Well (2001)
- The Thurb Revolution (2001)
- Parker, Andrew
- In the Blink of an Eye (2004)
- Parkhurst, Carolyn
- Perec, Georges
- Peterkin, Allan
- One Thousand Beards (2003)
- Phillips, Julie
- James Tiptree, Jr. (2006)
- Piven, Frances Fox
- Why Americans Don't Vote (1999)
- Pohl, Frederick & C.M. Kornbluth
- The Space Merchants (2003)
- Pohl, Frederick
- Annals of the Heechee (2004)
- Beyond the Blue Event Horizon (2004)
- The Boy Who Would Live Forever (2005)
- The Gateway Trip (2004)
- Gateway (2004)
- Heechee Rendezvous (2004)
- Outnumbering the Dead (2004)
- Priest, Christopher
- Pullman, Philip
- The Amber Spyglass (2002)
- The Golden Compass (2002)
- The Subtle Knife (2002)
- Rakoff, David
- Rampton, Sheldon & John Stauber
- Trust Us, We're Experts!
- Re/Search No. 8/9
- Reed, Robert
- Beneath the Gated Sky (1998)
- Beyond the Veil of Stars (1998)
- Black Milk (1998)
- Down the Bright Way (1998)
- Marrow (2004)
- Reilly, Philip R.
- Abraham Lincoln’s DNA (2004)
- Resnick, Mike
- Reynolds, Alastair
- Absolution Gap (2004)
- Century Rain (2006)
- Chasm City (2003)
- Diamond Dogs, Turquoise Days (2005)
- Redemption Ark (2003)
- Revelation Space (2002)
- Rheingold, Howard
- Rhodes, Richard
- Robinson, Alex
- Robinson, Kim Stanley
- Forty Signs of Rain (2004)
- The Martians (2001)
- The Novels of Philip K. Dick (2000)
- A Short, Sharp Shock (2003)
- Roszak, Theodore
- Roth, Philip
- The Plot Against America (2006)
- Rowling, J.K.
- Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets (2000)
- Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire (2000)
- Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince (2005)
- Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix (2003)
- Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban (2000)
- Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone (2000)
- Rucker, Rudy
- Russ, Joanna
- Russell, Eric Frank
- Russell, Karen
- St. Lucy’s Home for Girls Raised by Wolves (2006)
- Russell, Mary Doria
- Children of God (2001)
- The Sparrow (2001)
- Russo, Richard Paul
- Rybczynski, Witold
- The Look of Architecture (2003)
- Ryman, Geoff
- Sacks, Oliver
- An Anthropologist On Mars (1998)
- The Island of the Colorblind (2000)
- Sagan, Carl
- The Dragons of Eden (1999)
- Sagan, Nick
- Saramago, José
- Baltasar and Blimunda (2005)
- Sarrantonio, Al, editor
- Sawyer, Robert J.
- Calculating God (2000)
- Factoring Humanity (2000)
- Flashforward (1999)
- Sedaris, David
- Holidays on Ice (2000)
- Me Talk Pretty One Day (2004)
- Seth
- It’s a Good Life, If You Don’t Weaken (2004)
- Shakespeare, William
- All's Well That Ends Well (2000)
- Antony and Cleopatra (1999)
- Coriolanus (2000)
- Cymbeline (1999)
- Julius Caesar (1999)
- King Henry IV, Part 1 (1999)
- King Henry IV, Part 2 (1999)
- King Henry VI, Part 1 (2000)
- King Henry VI, Part 2 (2000)
- King Henry VI, Part 3 (2000)
- King Henry VIII (2003)
- King Henry V (1999)
- King John (2001, 2004)
- King Lear (1999)
- King Richard III (2000)
- King Richard II (1999)
- Love's Labour's Lost (2000)
- Measure for Measure (1999)
- A Midsummer Night's Dream (1999)
- Pericles (2000)
- Sonnets 1-77 (1999)
- The Tempest (2000)
- Timon of Athens (2004)
- Titus Andronicus (2002)
- Troilus and Cressida (1999)
- Twelfth Night (1999)
- The Two Gentlemen of Verona (2004)
- The Winter's Tale (2000)
- Sharma, Akhil
- An Obedient Father (2000)
- Shepard, Lucius
- Louisiana Breakdown (2003)
- Silverberg, Robert
- The Alien Years (1998)
- Dying Inside
- The World Inside (2003)
- Sinclair, Upton
- Skloot, Floyd
- In the Shadow of Memory (2005)
- Slonczewski, Joan
- Smith, Cordwainer
- Norstrilia (2002)
- The Rediscovery Of Man (1998)
- Smith, Michael Marshall
- More Tomorrow and Other Stories (2004)
- Only Forward (2001)
- Smith, Mitchell
- Sokal, Alan & Jean Bricmont
- Fashionable Nonsense (2001)
- Sophocles
- Spinrad, Norman
- Stableford, Brian
- Architects of Emortality (2000)
- Designer Genes (2004)
- Inherit the Earth (2000)
- Stephenson, Steven L. and Henry Stempsen
- Sterling, Bruce
- Stevens-Arce, James
- Stevenson, Robert Louis
- The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde (2003)
- Stewart, Ian & Jack Cohen
- Stoll, Clifford
- Stross, Charles
- Accelerando (2005)
- The Atrocity Archives (2005)
- Glasshouse (2006)
- Iron Sunrise (2004)
- Scratch Monkey (2002)
- Singularity Sky (2003, 2004)
- Toast (2002)
- Strugatsky, Arkady & Boris
- Strunk, William Jr., & E.B. White
- The Elements of Style
- Sucharitkul, Somtow
- The Darkling Wind (2005)
- The Dawning Shadow: The Light on the Sound (2005)
- The Dawning Shadow: The Throne of Madness (2005)
- Fire From the Wine Dark Sea (2005)
- Utopia Hunters (2005)
- Susanka, Sarah with Kira Obolensky
- The Not So Big House (2004)
- Swanwick, Michael
- Sweeney, Julia
- Teller, Astro
- Tepper, Sheri S.
- Thompson, Craig
- Tiptree, James Jr.
- Crown of Stars (1998)
- Star Songs of an Old Primate (1998)
- Ten Thousand Light Years from Home (1998)
- Warm Worlds and Otherwise (1998)
- Trondheim, Lewis
- Harum Scarum
- The Hoodoodad (2002)
- Tufte, Edward
- Envisioning Information (2002)
- The Visual Display of Quantitative Information (2002)
- Visual Explanations (2002)
- Vankin, Jonathan
- The Big Book of Bad (1999)
- The Big Book of Scandal (1999)
- Varley, John
- The Golden Globe (1998)
- The John Varley Reader
- Millennium (1998)
- Red Thunder (2003)
- Vinge, Vernor
- Vowell, Sarah
- The Partly Cloudy Patriot (2004)
- Radio On (2000)
- Walker, Lester
- American Homes (2002)
- The Tiny Book of Tiny Houses (2005)
- Watson, Ian
- Alien Embassy (1999)
- The Embedding
- The Flies of Memory (1999)
- The Gardens of Delight (2001)
- The Jonah Kit (1999)
- Mockymen (2005)
- Watson, Peter
- Watts, Duncan J.
- Weinberger, David
- Small Pieces Loosely Joined (2003)
- Wells, H.G.
- White, James
- Wilde, Oscar
- The Picture of Dorian Gray (2005)
- Wilkin, Karen, ed.
- Ascending Peculiarity (2004)
- Williams, Donna
- Williamson, Jack
- Terraforming Earth (2001)
- Willis, Connie
- Wilson, Robert Charles
- Bios (2002)
- Blind Lake (2003)
- The Chronoliths (2001)
- The Perseids and Other Stories (2001)
- Spin (2006)
- Wilson, Robin
- Four Colors Suffice (2003)
- Winick, Judd
- Wolfe, Bernard
- Wolfe, Gene
- Caldé of the Long Sun (1999)
- Exodus from the Long Sun (1999)
- Lake of the Long Sun (1999)
- Nightside the Long Sun (1999)
- Wolfe, Shawn
- Wolitzer, Meg
- Wright, John C.
- The Golden Age (2004)
- The Golden Transcendence (2004)
- The Phoenix Exultant (2004)
- Wu, Dingbo and Patrick D. Murphy, editors
- Science Fiction from China (1999)
- Zebrowski, George
- Zelazny, Roger
- Creatures of Light and Darkness (2004)
- Doorways in the Sand
- Lord of Light (2004)
- My Name is Legion (2004)
Last updated 5 September 2007
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