
If you wish a hard copy of this catalog, please email: your request.  Hard copies of the catalog are available in black and white only.  

We do not have online bidding at this time, but if you wish to bid in this auction using the downloaded copy, you may print out a copy of the bid sheet (page 3) and fax it to us at +1 (503) 226-1211, or just email us your bids, with a follow-up confirmation by mail.


November 2006 Stamp Catalog with pictures 3.1 MB *
November 2006 Stamp Catalog, text only 554 KB *


* Please note that this download may take several minutes depending on the speed of your Internet connection.

If you do not have Adobe's Acrobat Reader (recommended version 4.05 or later w/Text Search), click here.


Once the catalog has been downloaded, it is suggested to select Save As on the Acrobat Viewer to save the catalog to your hard drive for offline viewing.