Some Answers for A-War Questions
- How bad is the A-bomb? The bomb is mainly a big wind and a big
fire - bigger than most people can comprehend. It can knock down brick
buildings a mile away, flash-burn timber two miles away. Besides the
fires set directly, damage to power lines, gas mains, and furnaces starts
hundreds of secondary fires. It is this ability to destroy such a
large area that make the A-bomb a revolutionary weapon. A single bomb
could knock out most of a big city's fire-fighting equipment, hospitals,
- What about the H-bomb? It's still only a theoretical
possibility. If perfected, it would wreak the same kind of damage
as the A-bomb, but over a larger area.
- What should I do about radiation protection? Stop worrying.
If you're close enough to get direct radiation from the blast itself,
you're likely to be killed by the blast, fire or flying debris anyway.
Shelter will guard against radiation, even under the bomb. If the bomb
explodes in the air, as seems likely, very little radiation will
linger after the burst.
- Won't I be safer in a community shelter? Possibly. And
perhaps more comfortable, too, since many will have shower rooms,
kitchens, first-aid stations, and utilities. But you may not be able
to get there during an attack. Besides, World War II experience
indicates most people prefer to take their chances at home - London's
ample community facilities were never fully used.
- What should I tell the children? The truth. They need to know
for their own safety. Teach them where to go in a raid, how to "hit the
deck", and what to do if they become separated from you. Don't scare
them, but don't make it a game either.
It will help to know what NOT to do.
- Don't blackout your house. With radar bombing and, possibly,
guided missiles, lights won't make much difference. Along the coast,
however, sub danger may require dimout.
- Don't tape windows. It's practicly usless against an A-bomb blast.
- Don't buy a Geiger counter. Unless you're an expert, it will
probably only confuse you.
- Don't buy radiation "remedy." The only help for radiation injury
is rest and blood transfusions.
- Don't hoard food. If your area is so badly hit that food supply
is disrupted more than a few days, you'll have to leave it behind
when you get out.
If anything happens, you'll be glad you were ready. If nothing
happens, you're still ahead of the game. You have just two very hard
things to do: one, to get ready; two, to keep going.
In doing these things, you and your family will be assuming an
attitude and forming a habit more helpful to defense than Geiger
counters. By building your family foxhole, you will also be
building the state of mind that can resist the pressures of
aggression as well as the shocks of actual atomic war.