Selected Digital Media News
The Internet Debacle - An Alternative View
- May 2002
The Music Piracy Myth
- Apr 13 2003
Copyright Conumdrum
- Jun 2003
the problem with music
Mexico's music business meltdown
- Jun 9 2003
RIAA Plans Lawsuits Against File Traders
- Jun 25 2003
Webcasters threaten to sue RIAA
- July 9 2003
Saving the Net
- July 22 2003
Blame Canada
- Aug 18 2003
Nielsen Rating System points to possible deceit in RIAA sales figures
- May 13 2004
Will Digital Radio Be Napsterized?
- May 24 2004
'Music Is Not a Loaf of Bread'
- giving away an album online isn't
the way most artists end up with gold records. But it worked out
that way for Wilco.
- November 15 2004
Unplayable CDs from EMI and Others
- "Copy Control CDs won't play in all players, and are
therefore of less value than normal CDs. In a competitive
environment, prices would adjust to take account of this,
but by keeping customers in the dark, the record companies
hope to keep selling inferior merchandise at a higher price."
Online CD Retailer Policies
- Track the policies of online CD retailers on
corrupt audio discs. Provided by
The Campaign for Digital Rights
File-Sharing Case Worries Indie Artists
- March 25 2005
Intel to cut Linux out of the content market
- "Any DRM on a machine is simply a sign of failure. It
signifies that the providers cannot, or will not provide you with a
good product at a fair price."
- July 15 2005
Downloading 'myths' challenged
- "People who illegally share music files online are also big
spenders on legal music downloads..." File under "Duh".
- July 27 2005
Why DRM won't ever work
- Trying to make Digital Rights Management (DRM) work in the real world is like asking engineers to do "Star Trek" style magic, rather than real engineering. DRM simply cannot work.
- June 6 2007