A Random Sampling...
I used to update this list now and then, but it's idle now. In the "old days"
I frequently needed a list like this. But today with more open software on
Apples and widespread Linux use,
the views of Microsoft in my professional
and personal circles has, as it were, taken care of itself. But, for historical purposes,
here a little list of Windows and related news items.
Hacker attacks target Windows NT computers
- Mar 4 1998
Unix beats Windows in "uptime"
- Feb 9 1999
Win 2000 "Crack This!" Challenge Stopped When Server Crashes
- Aug 5 1999
Is America's Most Widely Held Stock A Pyramid Scheme
- Feb 2000
Monopoly on Security Flaws
- Aug 17 2000
Locking Windows' Backdoors
- Aug 26 1999
Security holes found in Windows Media Player
- Nov 27 2000
The Honeynet Project - collected data on probes,
attacks, and exploits from April 2000 to February 2001.
- July 22 2001
Microsoft fights Bundestag Linux switch
- Feb 2 2002
SMTP flaws affect Windows 2000, XP
- Feb 28 2002
Memo to Microsoft:
Stay Secretive, Please
- Mar 15 2002
Outlook worm markets porn site via your sig
- Mar 16 2002
MS IE patch misses the mark
- Mar 17 2002
Windows Media Player Exposes IE Users To Attack
- Mar 17 2002
dog Microsoft, despite IE patch
- Mar 29 2002
Microsoft fixes 10 IIS flaws
- Apr 10 2002
Microsoft digs own grave of mistrust
- May 21 2002
Researchers Find Flaws In IE Patch
- May 21 2002
Open-Source Fight Flares At Pentagon - Microsoft Lobbies Hard Against Free Software
- May 23 2002
Trusting Microsoft
- May 29 2002
Schools cry bully over Microsoft licensing fees
- Jun 4 2002
Security flaws continue to plague Microsoft
- Jun 16 2002
What Is Microsoft Doing Wrong?
- Jul 19 2002
Can Microsoft Connect The Dots?
- Jul 19 2002
Microsoft's New License Program Worries Users
- Jul 29 2002
Bugs interrupt Office-Palm link
- Jul 23 2002
Group campaigns against open source
- Aug 13 2002
Microsoft's failure to disclose loan may be a violation of the law
Microsoft loan to exec revealed
- Sep 10 2002
Microsoft's new deal with Uncle Sam
- Sep 16 2002
Microsoft "regrets" Mac-to-PC ad
- Oct 14 2002
On Microsoft A Danger To National Security
- Sept 24 2003
industry is shifting away from Microsoft
- Dec 28 2003
- How to
Microsoft's "Protect Forms" feature in MS Word
- Jan 2 2004
on Linux help their patron: Microsoft
- Jan 27 2004
to nowhere?
- Mar 23 2004
Why Windows is a Security Nightmare
- May 16 2004
Microsoft's Sacred Cash Cow
- June 2 2004
Hotmail incinerates customer files
- June 3 2004
Zombie PCs spew out 80% of spam
- June 4 2004
How Microsoft Lost the API War
- June 13 2004
US-CERT: Beware of IE
- June 29 2004
Here is the CERT
vulnerability note advising the use of a browser other than IE.
Isn't Now the Time to Try a Linux Desktop?
- July 9 2004
Windows survival times on the internet compiled by The SANS Institute
- August 2004
Why Internet Explorer Unsafe?
- August 2004
GDI Vulnerabilities : An open letter to Microsoft
- September 27 2004
Time to Dump IE?
- October 4 2004
Novell hits back at Ballmer's anti-Linux memo
- November 4 2004
Fact and fiction in the Microsoft-SCO relationship
- November 15 2004
Linux: Fewer Bugs Than Rivals
- December 14 2004
Why Does Windows Still Suck?
Why do PC users put up with so many viruses and worms? Why isn't everyone on a Mac?
- February 4, 2005
Clarke rips Microsoft over security
- February 17, 2005
"Given their record in the security area, I don't
know why anybody would buy from them."
Nokia announces patent support to the Linux Kernel
- May 25, 2005
Mad as hell, switching to Mac
- May 23, 2005
"In the coming weeks I'm going to keep a diary of an experiment
my company began at 6 p.m. April 29, 2005 - an experiment predicated
on the hypothesis that the WinTel platform represents the greatest
violation of the basic tenets of information security and has become a
national economic security risk."
Microsoft vs. Computer Security
- Jan 9, 2006
Why the software giant still can't get it right.
Microsoft patch opens users to attack
- Aug 22, 2006
Flaws introduced by a security update to Internet Explorer opens Windows users to attack
Three's a charm for MS06-042?
- Sep 12, 2006
The company quietly re-released (actually re-re-released) 042 today to fix yet
another security hole introduced by the software update.
Why Windows is less secure than Linux
- Feb 2, 2007
Nice graphics of system calls in Linux with Apache vs. Windows and IIS server...
Forget about the WGA! 20+ Windows Vista Features and Services Harvest User Data for Microsoft
- June, 2007
"...in excess of 20 Windows Vista features and services are hard at work collecting and transmitting your personal data to the Redmond company."