Jackie Chan Filmography

Twin Dragons - 1992

Two Jackies are born, and one of them gets lost at birth. The other one leaves with his parents for America who are emigrating. One baby is raised in a wealthy environment, the other raised on the streets. Years later, the Hong Kong Jackie is known as "Boomer" a race car driver who also knows how to fight. The other Jackie is now a concert pianist and conductor and is in town for a performance -- but he couldn’t fight his way out of a paper bag. As the two brothers get closer together each one feels the other’s physical actions and feelings. In the course of the film the two mix up their girlfriends, beat up a gang, have a boat chase, and direct an orchestra. Everyone is confused by the time the film reaches the big fight scene held in the Nissan Auto testing rooms.
Directed by Ringo Lam & Tsui Hark.


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