Larry Marder’s
Tales of the Beanworld
The heart of Tales of the Beanworld is the Beanworld's ecology. Everyone has an important role to play in it.
The Beans' lives center around the collection of chow, their food. The Beanworld's chow cycle goes like this:
Mr. Spook's trusty Fork sweetens Sprout-Butts. This makes the Sprout-Butt happy, and with the help of the Hoi-Polloi it becomes delicious chow. If a Sprout-Butt bounces too many times, it becomes crabby, and soaking in the chow it becomes is a private, smelly chore.
The balance can get out of whack. This happened in issue 2, Too Much Chow!.
Other parts of the Beanworld ecology are:
Slats, Hoops, Twinks and Chips are used in two ways. Professor Garbanzo makes tools. Beanish uses them in his Look·See·Shows.
Again, this isn't a cycle, since we don't know what happens to old tools and Look·See·Shows.
This involves Gran'Ma'Pa, the Goofy Service Jerks, reproductive propellant, influences and service stations.
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Beanworld Press